Simplify Your Cybersecurity Compliance

Powerful automation

Continuous monitoring

Robust cross framework mapping

Compliance with confidence

Reduced time managing compliance

Let’s Talk

Trusted by Leaders Who Depend on Strong Security Compliance

"Using ControlMap to manage our information security and compliance programs has accelerated and streamlined our audit preparation. The built-in assignment and task functions makes it easy to see the status of all assigned tasks and responsibilities. There is finally clear visibility and accountability among all the policy owners."

- AJ S., CPO/CTO/Cofounder of InfoSec and Compliance, RFPIO

"ControlMap is the missing piece that helps manage all of my information security programs and link them together. As a workflow solution, it makes it easier to track tasks and manage milestones, and allows me to offer performance metrics to management to help give them confidence in our security."

-  Brian H., Technical Compliance Manager, Exterro

Remove Compliance As an
Obstacle to Sales

Before prospective clients partner with you, they need to know you’re in full compliance with all relevant measures. ControlMap makes that easy. Quick and complete compliance allows you to vastly reduce risk and create trust with customers, which moves contracts quicker to signature.

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Eliminate the Drudgery of Compliance Maintenance

Connect to more than 20 systems and monitor compliance metrics.

Transfer work from one framework to another using pre-built control mappings in less than 30 seconds.

Track ownership of controls, risks, policies, and compliance action items across teams and departments.

Monitor your cloud infrastructure (AWS, Azure, etc.) for configuration changes.

Automate health checks for controls, compliance requirements, and other framework components (ISO 27001, SOC 2 and more).

Choose the Right Solution for You


You’re getting ready for your first IT audit and you want to eliminate the guesswork and anxiety. ControlMap provides preloaded control statements, policy templates and more, available at the click of a button.


You want to eliminate slow manual processes to streamline your compliance program as your company grows. Evolve past the costly and risky reliance on email and spreadsheets so you can easily manage multiple certifications.


You want to automate evidence collection. ControlMap eliminates the risk of missed evidence that can result in critical audit findings by automating collection in real-time across teams and information systems.

Pick a Time to Learn How ControlMap Can Free You from Compliance Anxiety

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